Possible Capabilities

So, here is the list of all Capabilities possible in the system.


Formal Capability Name:
Provided Fields:
 No fields provided
Provided Commands:
 The list of provided commands is specified by other Capabilities

Actuators are devices that can “act”, i.e. execute some commands, to change their state and the state of the outside world. For those devices the /execute endpoint is available in REST API and the corresponding execute method is available in the internal representation of a Thing.

All Things that are able to execute some commands must to support an actuator capability. Otherwise all commands, even if they are specified in “Provided Commands” section of this documentation, are supposed to be unavailable.

Has State

Formal Capability Name:


Provided Fields:
Field Name:state
Field Values:The set of possible values is specified by other Capabilities
Field Description:
 Some sign of the current Thing state
Provided Commands:

No specific commands are provided

Has State devices are devices that have the state property. The value of the property is some string which is directly mapped to one of the device states. The exact set of possible states is defined by a set of Capabilities provided by the device.

Is Active

Formal Capability Name:


Provided Fields:
Field Name:is_active
Field Values:boolean: true or false
Field Description:
 Signs if this Thing is in one of the “active” states.
Provided Commands:
Command Name:activate
Command Params:No params needed
Command Description:
 Sets this Thing to the one of the “active” states

Command Name:deactivate
Command Params:No params needed
Command Description:
 Sets this Thing to the one of the “inactive” states

Command Name:toggle
Command Params:No params needed
Command Description:
 Toggles the Thing between the opposite states. Activates the Thing if the current state isn’t active and deactivates otherwise.

Is Active devices are devices that have the is_active property. The value of this property is a boolean with true mapped to the set of “active” states (i.e. working, acting, turned on) and false mapped to the set of “inactive” states (i.e. not working, not acting, turned off, stopped).

Is Active Capability must to be implemented if and only if the current state of the device can be clearly mapped to either “active” or “inactive” state.

Actuator Is Active devices must to implement such methods as toggle, activate and deactivate.


Formal Capability Name:


Provided Fields:
Field Name:is_powered_on
Field Values:boolean: true or false
Field Description:
 Signs if this Thing is powered on.
Provided Commands:
Command Name:on
Command Params:No params needed
Command Description:
 Powers the Thing on

Command Name:off
Command Params:No params needed
Command Description:
 Powers the Thing off

On/Off devices are devices that can be either powered “on” or “off”. The current state of those devices can be determined by the value of the is_powered_on field. Actuator On/Off devices are able to be turned on and off with the on and off commands correspondingly.

If the device provides both on_off and is_active capabilities, then the on state is usually mapped to true value of is_active field and off state is mapped to false. on command is also mapped to the activate and off command is mapped to the deactivate command.


Formal Capability Name:


Provided Fields:
Field Name:state
Field Values:string: opened, closed, opening, closing
Field Description:
 Signs if this Thing (door, valve, lock, etc.) is opened, closed or in one of the transition states.
Provided Commands:
Command Name:open
Command Params:No params needed
Command Description:
 Opens the Thing

Command Name:close
Command Params:No params needed
Command Description:
 Closes the Thing

Open/Closed devices are devices that can be in either “opened” or “closed” state. The current state of those devices can be determined bу the value of the state field. In addition to the “opened” and “closed” states there are two transitional states possible: “opening” and “closing”. Actuator Open/Closed devices are able to be opened and closed with the open and close commands correspondingly.

If the device provides both open_closed and is_active capabilities, then the open and opening states are usually mapped to true value of is_active field and close with closing states are mapped to false. Also generic activate and deactivate commands are available for such devices with activate mapped to open, deactivate mapped to close and toggle toggles between the opposite states (from opened to closed, from closed to opened, from opening to closed, from closing to opened).


Formal Capability Name:


Provided Fields:
Field Name:current_mode
Field Values:A string from of the available_modes list
Field Description:
 Signs the current mode of functioning for this Thing.

Field Name:available_modes
Field Values:List of strings
Field Description:
 Signs all available modes of functioning for this Thing.
Provided Commands:
Command Name:set_mode
Command Params:mode - new value for the mode
Command Description:
 Changes the mode of functioning of this Thing to the specified one.

Multi-Mode devices are able to work in different modes. By switching the mode of the device some Capabilities may become available for usage and some may gone. The current mode of the device is specified in the mode field. If the mode of the device was changed, then the list of capabilities and a set of available fields are altered to correspond to the current mode (FIXME: Is it reasonable?). Only one device mode сan be chosen at a time. The current mode of the device can be set via set_mode command. All available device modes are listed in available_modes field. The content of available_modes list is defined by Thing Type and provided Capabilities.

Has Brightness

Formal Capability Name:


Provided Fields:
Field Name:brightness
Field Values:floating point values in the range between 0.0 and 100.0 (including)
Field Description:
 Specified the current level of brightness of a Thing
Provided Commands:
Command Name:set_brightness
Command Params:brightness - the new value of brightness
Command Description:
 Sets the specified level of brightness for the Thing

Has Brightness devices are devices that have the brightness property. The brightness property is a floating point value in the range from 0.0 (zero) to 100.0. Actuator Has Brightness devices are able to change their brightness with a set_brightness command. Usually normal people call Actuator Has Brightness devices “dimmable” devices.

Has Color HSB

Formal Capability Name:


Provided Fields:
Field Name:color_hue
Field Values:A floating point value between 0.0 including and 360.0 not including.
Field Description:
 Specifies the current color of a Thing in HSB format.

Field Name:color_saturation
Field Values:An floating-point value between 0.0 and 100.0 including.
Field Description:
 Specifies the current color of a Thing in HSB format.
Provided Commands:
Command Name:set_color
Command Params:hue, saturation - the new values of hue and saturation correspondingly
Command Description:
 Sets the specified color hue and saturation for the Thing. Brightness must to be set separately, see Has Brightness Capability description for details.

Has Color HSB devices are devices that have the “color” property. The color property value can be specified in HSB (hue, saturation, brightness) system. Actuator Has Color devices are able to change their color with a set_color command. Usually Color HSB profile is implemented by RGB Light Bulbs.

Has Color RGB

Formal Capability Name:


Provided Fields:
Field Name:color_rgb
Field Values:A mapping with three keys: red, green, blue. The value for each key of the RGB mapping is an integer between 0 and 255 including.
Field Description:
 Specifies the current color of a Thing in RGB format.
Provided Commands:
Command Name:set_color
Command Params:reg, green, blue - the values of three color components: red, green and blue correspondingly
Command Description:
 Sets the color for the Thing in RGB format.

Has Color RGB devices are devices that have the “color” property. The color property value can be specified in RGB (red, green, blue) system. Actuator Has Color devices are able to change their color with a set_color command. Usually Color RGB profile is implemented by color sensors.

Has Color Temperature

Formal Capability Name:


Provided Fields:
Field Name:color_temp
Field Values:Integer between 1000 and 10000 including. Color temperature value, expressed in Kelvins.
Field Description:
 Specifies the current color temperature of a Thing in Kelvins.
Provided Commands:
Command Name:set_color_temp
Command Params:color_temp - the new value of color temperature to be set.
Command Description:
 Sets the color temperature for a Thing.

Color Temperature devices are devices that have the “color temperature” property. The color temperature is expressed in Kelvins and can take integer values from 1000 to 10000 including. The color temperature of light source or other Actuator can be set with set_color_temp command. If the Thing doesn’t support specified color temperature value (i.e. it’s too low or too high for this Thing), then the color temperature will be set to the nearest supported value. For example, the minimum value is 2000 and the maximum value is 6500 K for majority of light bulbs available on the market. It’s recommended for client applications to put some marks on the scale for Warm White (2700 K), Cool White (4000 K) and Daylight (5000 K) values.

Has Temperature

Formal Capability Name:


Provided Fields:
Field Name:temperature_c
Field Values:Floating point, temperature in degrees of Celsius.
Field Description:
 Expresses the current temperature measured by a Thing.
Provided Commands:

No commands provided

Has Temperature devices are devices that have the “temperature” property. The value of “temperature_c” property is expressed in degrees of Celsius, Fahrenheits are not supported for now.

It’s supposed that the value of “temperature” property can’be changed by user and represents the current, real temperature of controlled object. For other purposes, please refer to Capability and Thing types which provide a “target_temperature” property.

Has Position

Formal Capability Name:


Provided Fields:
Field Name:position
Field Values:Floating point number which represents the position of an object in numbers from 0.0 to 100.0 including.
Field Description:
 Expresses the current position of a Thing.
Provided Commands:
Command Name:set_position
Command Params:position - the new value of position to be set.
Command Description:
 Sets the new position for a Thing.

Has Position devices are devices that have the “position” property. This property allows to set a position of an object using only one single dimension. For example, it can represent the position of a shade (50% unrolled, 20% of window covered, etc.), the width of an opening (for gates, sliding doors, valves) and so on.

Fan Speed

Formal Capability Name:


Provided Fields:
Field Name:fan_speed
Field Values:Floating point numbers from 0.0 to 100.0 including.
Field Description:
 Expresses the current fan rotation speed in percents.
Provided Commands:
Command Name:set_fan_speed
Command Params:fan_speed - the new value of fan speed to be set.
Command Description:
 Sets the new fan speed for a Thing.

Fan Speed devices are devices that have a build-in and externally controllable (at least monitored) fan. For example, that can be heaters, some HVACs and fans itself (as separate devices).

The speed of some fans can be changed only by a constant step. For such cases (for example, for table fans with only 3 speeds), the whole range will be separated on the corresponding number of segments. For example, it’ll be 0-25, 26-50, 51-75 and 76-100 for a generic fan with speeds 0 (stopped), 1, 2 and 3 correspondingly.

Has Value

Formal Capability Name:


Provided Fields:
Field Name:value
Field Values:Unspecified
Field Description:
 Expresses some property of the Thing that can be specified as a single value.
Provided Commands:
Command Name:set_value
Command Params:Unspecified
Command Description:
 Sets the specified value for this Thing.

Has Value devices are devices that have the “value” property. This field and a corresponding property is rarely used in the real life. See has_brightness, has_temperature, has_volume and other similar Capabilities instead.


Formal Capability Name:


Provided Fields:
Field Name:state
Field Values:string: playing, stopped
Field Description:
 Signs if the playback for this Thing (for some kind of player) is in progress (playing) or stopped.
Provided Commands:
Command Name:play
Command Params:No params needed
Command Description:
 Starts the playback.

Command Name:stop
Command Params:No params needed
Command Description:
 Stops the playback.

Play/Stop devices are devices that can play some media (i.e. music, video, radio, media stream, etc.) and which have basic controls for playback. Uses the “state” field to define the current playback state and corresponding commands to stop and resume playback.


Formal Capability Name:


Provided Fields:
Field Name:state
Field Values:string: paused
Field Description:
 Signs if the activity for this Thing (playing, recording, etc.) is paused.
Provided Commands:
Command Name:pause
Command Params:No params needed
Command Description:
 Pauses the current activity.

Pausable devices are devices that can pause the current activity (i.e to temporarily stop it with keeping of a current position). Usually provided by some kinds of Players or Recorders. For Actuator Pausable Things the “pause” command can be used to pause the current activity (i.e. the playback, recording and so on).

Usually implemented alongside with Play/Stop Capability.

Track Switching

Formal Capability Name:


Provided Fields:

No fields provided

Provided Commands:
Command Name:next
Command Params:No params needed
Command Description:
 Switches the playback to the next track, video or stream.

Command Name:previous
Command Params:No params needed
Command Description:
 Switches the playback to the previous track, video or stream.

Track Switching devices are devices that can switch between the current, previous and the next track, song, file, video or stream in the playback queue. Usually implemented by Players. Track Switching devices aren’t obliged to support playlists, switching to specific tracks in the queue and so on. For support of the mentioned features please refer to the corresponding Capabilities.

Usually implemented alongside with Play/Stop and Pausable Capabilities.

Track Info

Formal Capability Name:


Provided Fields:
Field Name:track_info
Field Values:String
Field Description:
 Contains the information about a current playing song, movie, stream or another media in a form of a single human-readable string.
Provided Commands:

No commands provided

Track Info devices are devices that can display information about the current playing media. The type of this information can be arbitrary and is not specified by this document. It’s not even supposed to be parsed by other devices. The only thing that must to be granted is that the track_info field value must to be human-readable without any additional processing.

For support of information about the song name, movie name, artists, current playing TV program and so on please refer to the corresponding Capabilities and Thing types.

Has Volume

Formal Capability Name:


Provided Fields:
Field Name:volume
Field Values:The integer value between 0 and 100 including.
Field Description:
 The value of volume (loudness) for this Thing.
Provided Commands:
Command Name:set_volume
Command Params:volume - a new value of the volume for this Thing.
Command Description:
 Sets the specified volume (loudness level) for this Thing.

Has Value devices are devices that have the “volume” property - the measure of loudness of how loud its sound is. Volume is an integer value in the range from 0 (zero) to 100. Actuator Has Volume devices are able to change their volume with a set_volume command.

Is Muted

Formal Capability Name:


Provided Fields:
Field Name:is_muted
Field Values:boolean: true or false
Field Description:
 Indicates if the Thing was muted.
Provided Commands:
Command Name:mute
Command Params:No params needed
Command Description:
 Mutes the Thing.

Command Name:unmute
Command Params:No params needed
Command Description:
 Unmutes the Thing - moves the Thing from a “muted” state.

Is Muted devices are devices that have the “is_muted” property - the indicator of either device was muted (i.e. has temporarily disabled sounding) or not. Actuator Is Muted devices are able to be muted and unmuted with mute and unmute commands correspondingly.


Formal Capability Name:


Provided Fields:
Field Name:current_source
Field Values:An integer value, an index of the current source from the available_sources list.
Field Description:
 Contains an identifier of the source which is currently chosen.

Field Name:available_sources
Field Values:An ordered list of strings.
Field Description:
 An list of human-readable names for all available sources.
Provided Commands:
Command Name:set_source
Command Params:source - a new value for the current_source field.
Command Description:
 Sets the specified source for this Thing.

Multi-Source devices are devices that can play, display or use in any other way information from one of several information sources. The good example of such device is a computer monitor. Computer monitor often can display information from several inputs as HDMI, VGA or DisplayPort input. Or a speaker system which can play a sound from coaxial, optical, HDMI, Bluetooth or AUX inputs.

For such devices as TVs, home theaters and other multi-functional devices please refer to the Multi-Mode Capability documentation.