

As was mentioned [1], you need two pieces of software to use the platform:

  • the platform itself;
  • and some client application.

This tutorial is mostly related to the platform itself. For details about the installation and usage of client applications, please visit the Client Applications page.

System Requirements

Minimum System Requirements:

  • Python 3.5 [2]
  • bash

Recommended System Requirements:

  • Python 3.5 or newer
  • UNIX-like operating system (like macOS and Linux-based systems)
  • hardware support of protocols like Bluetooth, ZigBee and so on for different Integrations

Automatic Installation Steps

  1. Download an archive with the latest stable release of platform from its repository:


You can also download the latest development (unstable) version here: by clicking a ‘clone or download’ button.

  1. Extract archive content to some directory. Remember its placement (path).

  2. Open terminal emulator, switch to the everpl’s project directory:

    cd /path/to/everpls/directory
  3. Install an everpl package using pip:

    pip3 install .
  4. Now it’s possible to run everpl application by simply calling an everpl command:


Installation finished!


You can also install everpl package in the “Development Mode”. Why you may need it and what with mode provides is described by the following link: [4]

Manual Installation Steps

  1. Download an archive with the latest stable release of platform from its repository:

  2. Extract archive content to some directory. Remember its placement (path).

  3. Open terminal emulator, switch to the platform’s directory:

    cd /path/to/platforms/directory
  4. Install all needed dependencies that are listed in requirements.txt [3] file. The most simple way to do this is to use pip:

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  5. Now it’s possible to run the main execution file:

    bash ./dpl/

Installation finished!


[1]Documentation page: Getting Started

async/await expressions which are commonly used in the platform was introduced only in Python 3.5.

In a case if you need a support of older versions of python - please, endorse this issue: #22.

[3]Requirements file is placed in the root of platform’s directory, for example:
[4]Information about “Development Mode” of package installation process: